Financial overview

VESA by the Numbers


An overview of a most prized resource, your generous gifts

All VESA members and board positions are volunteer. Your gifts go directly to work being done in Africa

Administrative costs shown below include software licenses, website domain, and form submissions


Data compiled by Board Treasurer


2022 Sources of Funding

2022 Uses of Funds


VESA 2022Financials

Sources and Uses of Funds


Donor Support - Board: $12,037.54

Donor Support - Other: $17,226.03

Misc Income: $0.00

Total: $29,264


Vocational Ed. Support: $29,449.50

General School Support: $1,183.40

Travel: $0.00

Administrative: $3,625.77

Total: $34,358.67


2021 Sources of Funding

2021 Uses of Funds


VESA 2021 Financials

Sources and Uses of Funds


Donor Support - Board: $23,448

Donor Support - Other: $22,944

Misc Income: $0.00

Total: $46,392


Vocational Ed. Support: $61,507

General School Support: $5,860

Travel: $0.00

Administrative: $4,711

Total: $72,078

Net Income ($25,686)


2020 Sources of Funding

2020 Uses of Funds


VESA 2020 Financials

Sources and Uses of Funds


Donor Support - Board: $34,347

Donor Support - Other: $28,503

Misc Income: $0

Total: $62,849


Vocational Ed. Support: $17,719

General School Support: $14,568

Travel: $0

Other: $1,604

Total: $33,892

Net Income $28,957


2019 Sources of Funding

2019 Uses of Funds


VESA 2019 Financials

Sources and Uses of Funds


Donor Support - Board: $31,091

Donor Support - Other: $3,000

Misc Income: $0

Total: $34,091


Vocational Ed. Support: $16,825

General School Support: $6,798

Travel: $0

Other: $1,061

Total: $24,684

Net Income $9,407


2018 Sources of Funding

2018 Uses of Funds


VESA 2018 Financials

Sources and Uses of Funds


Donor Support - Board: $13,603

Donor Support - Other: $1,846

Misc Income: $0

Total: $15,449


Vocational Ed. Support: $7,035

General School Support: $6,154

Travel: $2,106

Other: $155

Total: $15,449

Net Income $0




Help us create more Voc. Ed. opportunities in African communities
