Solar Power Station Project - 100% Funded!

BMI Vocational School

BMI Vocational School


In our mission to equip local teachers, cultivate curricula, and transform schools in Africa, Vocational Education Support Africa (VESA) realizes schools MUST have the necessary infrastructure to succeed. For many schools in West Africa, the most basic infrastructure need is continuous, reliable, and adequate electrical power. That is why VESA is excited to announce the establishment of a Solar Power Station for the Betty Memorial Institute (BMI) and its Vocational Education department (BMIVE)!

Think for a moment what would happen in your day if your electric utility company  were suddenly GONE.  Think what it would be like for a week, a month, a year, if the electricity you currently purchase were unavailable?  How would you, for example, get water?  Heat water?  Light your gas stove?  Recharge your phone? Use a computer? Cool your home?  Heat your home?  Light your home? Possibly drill holes? Weld?  You could do what BMI does currently and use a small underpowered generator to create the power you need when you need it and unplug certain appliances for a period of time so as not to overload the generator.  Consider the expense, limitations, and inconveniences of this approach. Then, imagine times when fuel is unavailable! This is the reality for BMI.

Electrical power is something taken very much for granted in countries with developed infrastructures.  One day, BMI will experience the convenience of such a utility.  But not yet.  The West African Power Pool (WAPP) is an active initiative many countries from around the world are involved with to provide electricity to all West Africa.  Construction of a major substation is nearing completion a mere eight miles from BMI. It is unknown how many more years it will be before electricity is routed from this substation to the villages in the surrounding region . For now, BMI must continue to rely on its own generators for its electricity.

BMI was recently blessed with a 13.5kw diesel generator.  Along with powering the school,  BMIVE students can begin to manufacture two cassava mills, their first products!  The plan is for one of these mills to be used for value added cassava production at BMI to teach students the principles of manufacturing, entrepreneurship, and business. The second mill is to be sold to generate capital for future BMIVE student projects.

Solar power is one practical option open to BMI over the sole use of generators. Under a comprehensive power system, solar energy is used to charge a battery bank, and then equipment draws from this battery bank as needed. In the event solar is unable to keep batteries charged sufficiently, the generator can automatically start and make up the difference in battery charge level.  When utility power is available, it too can be tied into this system as the primary or secondary power source with generator backup.  BMI would be in control of its power and possibly able to sell excess power to the utility company. 

Reliable electrical power will allow BMI to incorporate modern technology into its curricula, including computer education, across all grades and allow its Vocational Education curricula to use electric powered machines.  This will be a massive leap forward for BMI.  

Target Dates: [Installation begins once 100% funded - check the progress below!]

Phase 1. Immediately upon being funded: Install a modestly sized system, (13.7kw; 12A) that will meet the basic needs of the school for the next year.  Cost of the system along with upgrades to buildings to house batteries and controls is $45,000USD.

VESA currently has fully funded (as of September 15th, 2021) toward this campaign.  Construction could not begin until the full $45,000USD was available, as 50% is required for the delivery of components to the BMI site, and the balance would be due a week or two later once it is installed and the commissioning is complete.  Update: Construction will begin soon in October, praise the Lord!

Phase 2. In the event of rising power needs due to growing vocational laboratories, the possibility exists to double the capacity to 27kw, 24A; for $45,000USD.  Includes upgrading existing building infrastructure required to support additional panels and hardware.   The decision to initiate this phase will occur after the completion of the current BMI Vocational Laboratory, now only possible by the generous donations for the Solar Project!

Thank you so much for joining us in funding this endeavor. It is making a huge difference in the lives of the teachers and hundreds of West African students! 

For the King!  And His Kingdom!


Solar Project - Phase 1

Bruce Gregory