Vocational Education Support Africa


World Class Vocational Education


Shoot for Educating Vocational Teachers In Africa

We are excited to announce the second annual clay shoot for fundraising for VESA. Our friends at 2Hats Ranch have graciously worked with us to host the event and we have an awesome title sponsor in Inner City Contracting, LLC. Please consider joining us either in person or supporting through sponsoring part of the event. Our goal is to continue to assist with building and outfitting the vocational center at BMI as well as continue the vision and mission of VESA


The First Vocational Project Winner Announced!

Regardless of there being one winner, there are two great accomplishments, a Palm Kernel Cracker (black) and Palm Fruit Digester (red).  Both machines can be refined and used in the local markets to process Palm and, hence, make money.  

Perhaps one of the seniors will find financing such that they can begin producing and selling these machines?


Prior Initiatives

BMI Solar Power Station

On September 15, 2021 our goal of funding the Solar Power Station at BMI was at 100%. The Phase 1 Solar Station was installed and operational in early October. BMI now has access to reliable electricity for its current vocational education needs. Thanks to all who contributed to this initiative. Click “learn more” to read about the project at Betty Memorial Institute.

Solar Project - Phase 1 - 100% Funded!



Equipping Teachers - Cultivating Curricula - Transforming Schools


Teacher Training

VESA’s mission is built around the training of teachers. We host institutes training instructors in the art and science of teaching. Teachers learn how to ask the hard questions to create coursework they may know little about.


School Support

VESA ensures partner schools have the necessary facilities, equipment, and teacher compensation to establish a vocational program. Support includes items such as computer systems, a library, and facility for vocational laboratories.


Curriculum Creation

We work alongside the teaching staff as they create or revamp coursework that integrates modern technology with regionally relevant vocations. We ensure that the teachers are equipped to build world-class courses in their schools.


Self-Sustainment Oriented

We work alongside partner schools to create an actionable path toward self-sustainability as a Vocational Institute. Planning includes entrepreneurial project based capstones led by seniors. The projects represent a means of creating further opportunities for local communities.


A Fruitful Future for African Youth


Our work empowers African schools with the ability to graduate students prepared to enter a specific vocational field, lead local solutions, enter an apprenticeship, or seek higher education.

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