Completing the SAM!
The SAM Ski Team started the Lake-to-Lake traverse in Naubinway on Lake Michigan’s northern shore Friday, February 18, 2022. Eighty four miles and eight days later, we finished in Grand Marais situated on the southern shore of Lake Superior. The mileage was a bit humbling in that the team expected to travel further, but skiing conditions dictated otherwise and it became clear that Grand Marais was to be the trip’s terminous.
The weather cooperated. Very cold, lots of snow, and the finest company along the way. We met many people, most on snowmobiles, who were curious about our activity. It was a thrill for us to see their enthusiasm for this trip’s purpose which is to kick start funding for the Betty Memorial Institute Vocational Center.
There were a number of providential appointments along the way, where people interested in our trip and a media outlet volunteered to promote the purpose of our trip for more to see and be involved. The Lord has blessed our efforts already.
The trip served as a continual reminder for us that all of creation is the Lord’s, it is still beautiful, and He somehow uses our human hands and feet to advance His causes from point A to point B. May we be faithful at VESA to run the race with endurance that He has put before us.
One side note of encouragement for us older folks. If we think the country is in trouble because our youth are not up to leading, I can assure you, if only a small percentage of the young are as solid as my two travel partners, we are in good hands.
If you haven’t already, please consider a gift to support the design and construction of the Betty Memorial Institute Vocational Center, and learn more about the work being done at this amazing school here.